
career blast off!

My website is almost completely updated! I'm going to be posting it ALL OVER the web once it's done. YEAH!!!
I'm also rewriting my resume this week with the help of my instructor. So next week, it will be sent out to several cosmetic counters/stores in Nashville.
The goal is to "wow" everyone before I even get back. If I can show my work to as many people as possible, there is no doubt that jobs will be ready for me once I get home. I need to work, I need to make money so Mark and I can get back on our feet, I need to pay for a wedding, and I need to make this career choice explode with possibility. I didn't come spend 6 months in rainy, cold Vancouver, alone!, just to end up selling Mary Kay. So, my faithful friends, start running your mouth about how fabulous I am to everyone you know!

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